(L to R) Patrick, Emily, Courtney, Brooke, and Autumn
Missionary Profile

Names, Birthdays, Anniversary
Patrick – August 17th
Years of Service 10+ years
Website declaringhispraiseinnewfoundland.com
Facebook @newhope4stephenville
Email OBriens2nl@gmail.com
Home Church Berean Baptist Church • Macon Georgia, USA
Mission Agency Points North Baptist Mission • St. Thomas, Ontario, CANADA
2023-02 Update
Praise the Lord for answered prayer! He has abundantly supplied the finances for a new van for us. Vehicle availability is a problem everywhere but especially on an island, so we are currently waiting for a van to arrive. This could be as late as April. Please pray with us that God would bring one over in His perfect timing and that we would be patient. Thank you to all who have prayed for this need, and we are also very grateful to those whom God used to supply this need through their generous giving. There was no other way to get another vehicle without God providing the funding. The banks did not want to give us a loan because our visitor record is due to expire in October (Yes, we are still waiting to hear back on our renewal that we applied for over a year ago!), but we were pleased to know that the banks’ denial of our loan request didn’t have anything to do with our personal credit. This is another great reminder that our ways are not God’s ways. Despite all the planning and our own attempts at fixing problems, God always has the best solutions. He is the One we can rely on and trust. He, alone, is always faithful.and has done “exceeding abundantly above all that we [could] ask or think.” We praise Him for this miracle that he has worked on our behalf. It has definitely increased our faith for other areas of our life as well.
Since the busyness of the Christmas season is now over, we have begun a couple of extra Bible studies—a weekly study for the Ladies and one for teen girls. Emily is doing a wonderful job with these, and each participant is enjoying them.
Patrick, Emily, Courtney, Brooke and Autumn

Services Sunday Bible Classes 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening Gathering 5:00 PM Midweek Bible Study 6:30 PM* Youth Nights 5:00 PM last Sunday night of each month | Meeting Locations Sunday Services Holiday Inn (Oakville) Centre 590 Argus Road | Oakville, ON
Midweek Bible Study *(Locations, Dates & Times Vary) | Contact Us Cornerstone Baptist Church Box 60057 | RPO Glen Abbey Oakville, ON L6M 3H2 | ||||||||||