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Wednesdays • 7:00 pm
In our weekly Bible studies, students across all ages enjoy diving into rich content, memorizing Scripture, and learning how to apply the Bible to their daily lives.Bring the Bible to life in your heart. See how the Bible addresses the real-life issues that confront our lives today. Discover Biblical facts on culture, true history (not just stories), and science. Find out the unified theme woven as its throughout the Bible. Enjoy how easy it is to talk about God’s Word together in safe environment.
Current Series

Restoration: the Christian and Relationships
Relationships are not always to navigate; they take work. All people deserve dignity, love, and at times even forgiveness. Restoration can be particularly difficult when you have been hurt by someone you have taken into your trust. Uncover relevant truths in dealing with different kinds of people from an aged apostle as he becomes as the mediator between a host of peoples. Discover how the gospel (when received) is the greatest difference maker.
Coming Soon
Dig In: Uncover the Bible Chronologically
Bring the whole family together for an exciting chronological journey through the entire Bible! Learn, grow, and gain a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture. Discover how going through the entire Bible in the order the events actually happened can help you to understand God's plan for the ages.
Be Encouraged • Be Energized • Be Equipped
Services Sunday Bible Classes 9:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening Gathering 5:00 PM Midweek Bible Study 6:30 PM Youth Nights 5:00 PM last Sunday night of each month | Location Sundays at Holiday Inn (Oakville) Centre 590 Argus Road | Oakville, ON
Midweek Bible Study *(Locations, Dates & Times Vary) | Contact Us Cornerstone Baptist Church Box 60057 | RPO Glen Abbey Oakville, ON L6M 3H2 ph. (905) 847.3530 office@cornerstonebc.ca | ||||||||||